10 Tips on how to keep your meeting more fun and effective

Tips for effective meeting

We all love them. Those hours of pure fun, creativity and innovation. Meetings. How come that we love them so much? Is it the coffee? Is it the the comfortable chairs and large tables? Is it the fact that we have time to break another world record in candy crush? Now seriously, why is it […]

I am 50% Scrum Master & 50% Team Leader – how to cope with that?

highway with a question mark on it

The most frequent question I run into is “Being a scrum master requires so much,  how would I have time to also stay part of the team and develop?” or in other words “I am 50% scrum master and 50% team leader – how do I cope with that?” The answer for both questions is […]

Ten ways surgeons and software developers should be alike


When I was a child I had an operation on my shoulder. It was a scheduled operation, nothing urgent. And it left me with an ugly scar on my back. Today, it’s still very notable after all those years. Also still painful during season changes. Roll the clock forward some 40 years, my youngest son […]

Why do I need to play games in retrospective?

a picture of a brain in colors

All of the teams I have worked with had come to understand that the retrospective ceremony is a necessary tool when wishing to increase effectiveness. However, many are still struggling to yield valuable action items in these meeting. I (and every website on Google search) highly recommend using of games during retrospective meetings in order […]

MVP – Not only for startups

MVP - Practical Software

Several weeks ago, Josef (pseudonym), a dad from my son’s school contacted me and sent me a link to this article: “A Before-School Exercise Program May Help Children Thrive”.After reading the article, I talked to Josef and agreed with him that I will take it with the principle and carry it forward. The next morning, […]