Revising Estimation

Practical Software - Revising Estimation

Many teams feel the need to go over finished stories and update their story points in order to reflect the amount of effort needed to complete them. They general notion is that it’s a good idea to fix the original estimates in order to reflect the “true” velocity of the team. Which later on will […]

If you Want to Scale up – Use Small Stories

Much has been written about the importance of working in short cycles, and the need to cut and slice your stories to small pieces that will fit inside of a single sprint. I’m not going to repeat all this. What I would like to write about is something that might seem counter intuitive at first […]

Technical Debt – Will hit you 3 times

“Look, it’s critical that we meet our deadline, and I know that we are already running behind. So please, we need you to push faster no matter the costs. And I don’t care if you need to cut some corners on the way. I’m totally aware of the costs, we just need to meet the […]

Testing Legacy Code – Initializer blocks

dominos blocks falling

Writing tests for legacy code may seem risky, even daunting: will we break our code? Will we need to rewrite extensive parts of our code in order to test it? Not many know that by following fairly simple practices we can start unit-testing our codebase with minimal risks. Here are two examples of how to […]

Should Testers know how to program

Testers can Development

Back in 2013 I published the following post, but since I know, no one actually read these links I’ve chosen to quote that post in full. Sadly enough I still get that question way to often to my liking. MUST TESTERS KNOW HOW TO PROGRAM?  One of the most common question that arises when talking to […]