Why do I need to play games in retrospective?
All of the teams I have worked with had come to understand that the retrospective ceremony is a necessary tool when wishing to increase effectiveness. However, many are still struggling to yield valuable action items in these meeting. I (and every website on Google search) highly recommend using of games during retrospective meetings in order […]
R&D metrics that amplify learning
Tony was a Scrum Master. He started measuring the development trends of his team. However, whenever he selected a metric, he got the impression that developers were manipulating the results to meet the targets he set. For example, whenever he measured the closing bugs count, he noticed that from one iteration to another the rate […]
Some useful tips for online retrospectives
Following the meetup we wish to share tips for online retrospectives, including specific learning points from this meetup
MVP – Not only for startups
Several weeks ago, Josef (pseudonym), a dad from my son’s school contacted me and sent me a link to this article: “A Before-School Exercise Program May Help Children Thrive”.After reading the article, I talked to Josef and agreed with him that I will take it with the principle and carry it forward. The next morning, […]