Product Owner – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Practical Software - Product Owner

I’ve had this thought for a while now of demonstrating how can people and organizations deal with everyday situations and present an analysis of them based on my personal views, while some might find this judgmental, others may find this an interesting reflection of their behavior and explore alternatives. For the sake of the following […]

Do You need a Scrum Master?

“A good Scrum master can serve a few teams. A great Scrum Master will serve only one”. rephrasing Michael James   There’s an ongoing debate on whether a team needs a full time Scrum master for the long run or not. Many teams feels that the duties of SM only fills a part of his […]

Who’s Responsible For The Daily Standup?

A Scrum Master recently asked me: What should he do if the team members don’t want to do the daily standup every day? After all, he told me, the daily stand up should happen every day, shouldn’t it? Well, first thing’s first. One thing you should know about Scrum is, that if you don’t hold […]